Print Materials

Barthes, Roland. S/Z. Translated by Richard Miller. New York: Hill and Wang, 1974.

Benedikt, Michael. Cyberspace: First Steps. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.

Bolter, J. David. Writing Space: The Computer in the History of Literacy. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1990.

Chartier, Roger. The Cultural Uses of Print in Early Modern France. Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.

_____. The Culture of Print: Power and the Uses of Print in Early Modern Europe. Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

Heim, Michael. Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987.

Kernan, Alvin. Printing Technology, Letters and Samuel Johnson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.

Landow, George P. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Landow, George P., and Paul Delany. The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993.

McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962.

Nelson, Theodor H. Computer Lib/Dream Machines Seattle, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1987.

Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London: Methuen, 1982.

Steinberg, S. H. Five Hundred Years of Printing. 2nd ed.Baltimore: Penguin, 1961.

Yankelovich, Nicole, Norman Meyrowitz, and Andries van Dam. "Reading and Writing the Electronic Book," IEEE Computer 18 (October 1985): 15-30.

Electronic Materials

CD Word. The Interactive Bible Library. Environment: Specially amplified Guide. Dallas: CD Word Library Inc., 1990.

Landow, George P. Hypertext in Hypertext, Being an Amplified Electronic Edition of "Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Criticial Theory and Technology." Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

Landow, George P., and John Lanestedt. The "In Memoriam" Web. Cambridge: Eastgate Systems, 1992.

Microsoft Art Gallery: The Collection of the National Gallery, London. N. P.: Microsoft, 1993.

Perseus. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.

Winter, Robert. CD Companion to Beethoven Symphony No. 9: A Hypercard/CD Audio Program. Environment: HyperCard. Santa Monica, California: Voyager, 1989.

Last modified 8 June 2007