John Ella
Sir W. Hamo Thornycroft, R. A. (1850-1925)
before 1888
Source: From Mendelssoln to Wagner, p. 272.
Thanks to Raymond E. O. Ella for providing the image. Mr. Ella also explained that “J. Ella (1802-88) played in the orchestra at Queen Victoria's Coronation and although there was criticism about timing, i.e., who did what and when, etc., it was not down to John. Not long before, John was at one of Queen Victoria's first official visits to the Guild Hall in London, John having written some music for that occasion. He named the music “The Victoria March,” the Mss now being in the British Library Mss Department.” He also mentioned that C. Bashford has published The Pursuit of high culture: John Ella and chamber music in Victorian London (2007).