Isidor Isaak Sadger. Source:
(free encyclopedia).
Isidor Isaak Sadger (1867-1942) was born in Galicia, now between Poland and Ukraine, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He studied medicine and forensic pathology at the University of Vienna, where he specialized in neurology and nervous diseases; he almost certainly attended some of Freud's university lectures on psychopathology in the late 1890s. By 1894 Sadger was a medical forensic-physiological psychologist and a published author of reports in specialist journals.
Sadger lived near Freud in Liechtensteinstrasse 15 in Vienna, and by 1906 Sadger had found his way to Freud's Wednesday Psychological Society meetings. He soon began to publish psychobiographical and psychopathographical studies under Freud's editorship (e.g., Sadger 1909, "Aus dem Liebensleben Nicolaus Lenaus"; and Sadger 1910, "Heinrich von Kleist") while also publishing investigations of sexuality (1910) and of psychoanalysis in relation to neurology (1908). His interests in sadism, masochism, and homosexuality led him to be credited with inventing the term "sadomasochism" around 1913, though he was certainly preceded in relevant studies by Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902) and by Freud himself. At the inaugural First International Congress of Psycho-Analysis, held at Salzburg in 1908, Sadger presented a paper on "The aetiology of homosexuality." After the cessation of wartime hostilities in 1918, Sadger became more independent, leaving the Vienna Psa. Society around 1930.
In 1942 Sadger was deported to Theresienstadt, where he perished in December of that year.
Sadger, Isidor. "Psychiatrisch-Neurologisches in psychoanalytischer Beleuchtung (Psychiatry and neurology in the light of psychoanalysis)." Zentralblatt für die Gesamtgebiet der Medizin und ihre Hilfswissenschaften (1908): 7-8.
_____.Aus dem Liebensleben Nicolaus Lenaus. (From the Love Life of Nicolaus Lenau.) Vienna and Leipzig: Franz Deuticke, 1909.
_____. "Ein fall von multipler perversion. (A case of multiple perversion.)" Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen 2 (1910): ??.
_____. Heinrich von Kleist. Eine Pathographische-Psychologische Studie (Heinrich von Kleist. A Patho-Psychological Study). Wiesbaden: Bergmann, 1910.
Created 8 March 2021