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his Work In Progress workshop will comprise part of a postgraduate study day at the Leeds Library, the oldest surviving subscription library of its type in the United Kingdom. The day will include a tour of the library as well as opportunities to explore the library's excellent periodical collection and present your research, before culminating in an evening panel discussion featuring Dr Vic Clarke, Professor Hazel Hutchison, Dr Mary Ikoniadou, and Professor James Mussell.

We welcome applications for fifteen minute work in progress papers and three minute thesis presentations on periodicals, history and change from any time period, context, or culture. Areas of focus might include:

Applicants are encouraged to consider methodological issues and comparative facets of their work in order to look beyond the individual case study. To apply, please send the following:

Please submit the above to with the subject "Leeds Library Postgraduate Workshop" by September 27, 2024. A limited number of travel bursaries will be available for postgraduate students presenting at the workshops.

Created 22 August 2024