In painting, both in oil and water colours, he takes rank as a first-rate colourist and executant. His colouring is quite as rich and fine, and his handling as brilliant in its frank conventionality, as his arrangement is picturesque, and his invention inexhaustible. — Illustrated London News (1852)

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“Sir John Gilbert, A.R.A.” Illustrated London News (16 March 1872): 237. Hathi Trust Digital Library version of a copy in the University of Michigan Library. Web. 11 December 2015.

“Sir John Gilbert R.A, P.R.W.S. A Memorial Sketch.” Magazine of Art 22 (1897-98): 53-64. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 1 February 2015.

Created 1 February 2015; last modified 11 December 2015