Decorated initial V

ictorian Review invites graduate students to submit their unpublished work for consideration for the Hamilton Prize. The winning essay will be published in Victorian Review and the winner will receive an additional award of $500 CAD.

Articles submitted should be no more than 8,000 words inclusive of notes and works cited and should not include any information identifying the author. For the judging phase, any visual material should be integrated into the text at a lower resolution so it can be circulated easily to judges. If your entry is chosen as the winner you will be responsible for securing permissions, acquiring high-resolution copies of images, and paying any fees required for images you include.

This annual award honors the effort and achievements of Susan Hamilton, editor of Victorian Review from 2000-2006.

The winning essay, judged anonymously by a review panel drawn from our Advisory Board members, will be selected according to three criteria:

Given the tight timeline for adjudication, authors should note that they will not receive feedback on their submissions.

Please send entires to

Created 28 May 2024