Decorated initial T

wenty years ago, Richard L. Stein speculated that the city, as a research subject, may be appealing to scholars specifically because of the 'demand' it places on any single discipline 'to borrow' from others. In this respect, the city often serves as 'a perfect interdisciplinary object.' At the same time, researches in varied disciplines, often motivated by district interests and concerns, ask different kinds of questions about cities, urbanization, and urban life. Global Nineteenth-Century Studies, published by Liverpool University Press, invites submissions for a special issue on "Nineteenth-Century Global Cities and Urban Worlds" from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives. Topics may include (but are not limited to):

Submissions should be typed and double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Supporting files, including illustrations, figures, and tables, must be submitted with the written text. Essays should generally be in the range of 9,000 words (including notes and bibliography).

Because the journal uses double-anonymous review, no identifying information should appear in the manuscript. Your submission should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract (100-150 words); keywords (5-7); main text; acknowledgements (if any); references; end notes. For initial submission, illustrations/figures/tables should be inserted either directly in the text or appear as appendices in the same file. Although initial submissions may be in any format, essays must, as a condition of acceptance, conform to the journal's style guide.

An email cover letter should provide the author's or corresponding author's contact information. The submission should be saved as with no commas between the two names. For example, Doe Jane.

Manuscript submissions may be sent to by 15 January, 2025. The expected date of publication is autumn/winter 2025.

To learn more about Global Nineteenth-Century Studies, please visit Liverpool University Press's website. GNCS is a publication of the Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies. To learn more about this geographically and disciplinary diverse network of scholars who share an interest in the world's connectedness between 1750 and 1914, visit

Created 31 July 2024; last modified 2 August 2024